Visiting Feeder Schools

  • Our counseling team loves to visit our incoming students at Balboa, Linwood, Madison, and Woodridge beginning in December of the year before they plan to come to Salk. We want to start building relationships with students and addressing middle school fears early. In December, we dress up and visit 5th grade classrooms in all 4 of our feeder schools. We tell them all about middle school and answer as many questions as we can. We then return in February to answer more questions and help them register for their classes. We find that those students feel more at ease when starting the following year at Salk because they already know four friendly faces: Mrs. Decker (last names A-J), Mrs. Sabo (last names K-Z), and Jonas (mascot).

counselors and jonas
counselors, jonas, and Balboa admin
counselors with kids
counselors with kids
counselors with kids