Testing & Assessment

  • District Testing

    PSAT 8/9 (grades 8 & 9) and PSAT/NMSQT (grades 10 & 11) are provided free of charge to students in October during the school day. This provides equal access for all students and promotes college interest and dialog.

    State Testing

    Washington students are tested regularly by the state to assess their progress as they move through school. State tests include the following, and may be taken with or without tools, supports, or accommodations:

    • Smarter Balanced: English language arts (ELA) and math tests (Practice & Training tests, Interims and Summative tests)
    • Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS): Science test for grades 5, 8 and 11 (Practice & Training tests and Summative tests)
    • Washington – Access to Instruction and Measurement (WA-AIM): ELA, math, and science alternate assessments for students with significant cognitive challenges documented in their Individualized Education Program (IEP).
