The Learning Continues at Home

  • Working at home with your child means more than just helping with homework. Home studies for many families means structuring a consistent time each day, creating a quiet place in the house to work, and getting involved in the learning. Did you know you can go to our district homepage and find out what your child is learning in each subject each month of the year? Go to parent/student resources and click on curriculum guides. You can also visit the OSPI website to learn about our state standards and see examples of state assessments.

    Tips for learning at home


    Read aloud to your child and have your child read aloud to you, then ask “higher-level questions” (questions that cannot be answered with one word). For example; ask a prediction question such as, "What do you think will happen next?" or a comprehension question, "What caused the main character to take this action?" Have a family read-a-thon. Reward readers with new books or a trip to the public library.


    Play games (cards, dice, and board games), have contests with flashcards and tell time on non-digital clocks. In the grocery store have students keep track of spending and quantities purchased. Have every family member create a story problem that the other members have to solve.


    When a question comes up around the house have your child go online and explore the answer. Do experiments at home that correspond with the science unit your child is studying. For example, if your child is learning about float and sink, have them play in the tub with objects of different buoyancy (cork, metal, wood).


    Write challenging words on index cards and hang them around the house until they are mastered. Have students write spelling and vocabulary words artfully with colored pens or pencils. Use new words in sentences during dinner conversations.

    Social Studies

    Take weekend trips around the city or the state. Watch educational history videos on the weekends.


    Did you know that the biological differences between male and female brains affect how your child learns? Writing is one area that boys and girls learn differently. Find out more here.