Records Requests

  • Educational records include the student cumulative record and the confidential record. Policy and Procedure 3231: Student Records outlines in detail the records that fall into this definition.

    Student Records include:

    • Student Cumulative Record: The student cumulative record is the school record of a student’s progress from the time of entry in school until withdrawal or graduation from high school.
    • Student Confidential Record: The confidential file is a record prepared to assess the unique educational needs of the student. It contains specialized health data and the special education evaluation reports, Individualized Education Plans, Prior Written Notices, as well as other reports of individualized studies intended to assist the staff/parent in developing an appropriate educational program for the student. It may also include information received from practitioners or agencies outside the district. This information is generally very confidential. Access to health care information is limited by a timeline and permission for access can only be given by the parent or eligible adult student.

    Process for requesting student records

    Parents have a right to request records. There is no expectation or requirement that the parent provide the request in written form. Parents can make a request for records in person, by phone or in writing (by mail or email).

    Contact your student's school to request your student's cumulative records. Find a list of school office contacts and phone numbers here.
    Alternatively you can contact Student Services at 509.354.7393 to request student records.