Welcome to Flett!

  • It is my privilege to welcome you to the second school year of Flett Middle School's history! Dozens of staff worked years in advance to plan for a successful launch to ensure each student thrives as they transition to the middle level. This is our first year with all three grade levels. Last year we opened with grades six and seven. We know transitions can be challenging, so we have been planning and refining systems and structures that support small communities of learners where each student can be known, supported, and challenged. Some of these supports are built right into the very structure of the school, such as neighborhoods of classrooms instead of isolated hallways of classrooms you probably experienced as a student.


    Our team believes in educating the whole child. That means we are working to plan a learning community that supports students academically, athletically, emotionally, and socially. We believe the middle school age presents an opportunity for young people to explore their interests, find their voice, and gain confidence in their ability to reach their goals.

    We also believe that education of our young people is a community effort. We understand that you are your student's first teacher and we wish to partner with you and the surrounding community to support the development of our community's students. I urge you to stay connected to your child’s education as they transition to secondary school. We look forward to working together to meet the needs of students and help them reach their full potential as they progress through their educational journey.

    In partnership,
    Dr. Matthew Henshaw
    Principal | Flett Middle School
    Spokane Public Schools | 509.824.8000

Dr. Henshaw