Medical Interventions - (MI)

  • Medical Interventions - (MI)

    Students investigate the variety of interventions involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease as they follow the lives of a fictitious family. The course is a “How-To” manual for maintaining overall health and homeostasis in the body as students explore how to prevent and fight infection, how to screen and evaluate the code in human DNA, how to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer, and how to prevail when the organs of the body begin to fail. Through these scenarios, students are exposed to the wide range of interventions related to immunology, surgery, genetics, pharmacology, medical devices, and diagnostics. Each family case scenario introduces multiple types of interventions and reinforces concepts learned in the previous two courses, as well as presents new content. Interventions may range from simple diagnostic tests to treatment of complex diseases and disorders. These interventions are showcased across the generations of the family and provide a look at the past, present and future of biomedical science. Lifestyle choices and preventive measures are emphasized throughout the course as well as the important roles scientific thinking and engineering design play in the development of interventions of the future.

    • Unit 1: How to Fight Infection
      • Mystery Infection
        • Isolation of bacteria
      • Antibiotic Treatment
        • Bacteria culture
        • Antibiotic
      • The aftermath: Hearing Loss
      • Vaccination

    Unit 2: How to Screen What is in your Genes

    • Genetic Screening and Testing
      • PCR, DNA Extraction
    • Genetic Future:
      • Gene Therapy
    • Unit 3: How to Conquer Cancer
      • Detecting Cancer
        • PCR, DNA extraction,
      • Reducing the cancer risk
      • Treating Cancer

    Unit 4: How to Prevail when Organs Fail

    • Manufacturing Human Proteins
      • Plasmid DNA into bacteria cells
      • Protein isolation
      • Electrophoresis
    • Organ Failure
    • Transplant
      • Surgical techniques
    • Building a Better Body


    Supplies you will want to have for this school year:

    2 spiral notebooks total for the year


    I am looking forward to exploring these areas of Medical Interventions with you this year.  We will be using Office 365 TEAMS and that you can be accessed via internet from anywhere.  You will also get familiar with turning in paperless assignments, using the chat, taking quizzes and building your notebook all via TEAMS.  We will have some guest speakers.  This community connection will make this class very relevant to your learning and guide your possible future study and/or employment in the biomedical field.  We have a lot to look forward to.


    1. Attend all classes virtual or otherwise and actively participate.
    2. Check the calendar for assignment via TEAMS
    3. Do your very best on each assignment. These are on PLTW MI. Turn it in on TEAMS.
    4. Ask questions when you get stuck.


    All grades are based on a 4 - Excellent - A, 3- Doing fine - C, 2 - You might need to redo something, 1 - Please fix what you did not understand.  Everyone can pass this class with a little effort.   I will always be willing to help if you make the effort.  If you miss an assignment, make it up.  My cut offs are at the end of each quarter. 


    Mrs. Kaplan

    Rogers High School