Welcome to Westview!

  • Parents and Friends of Westview Elementary:

    Welcome to Westview Elementary! We look forward to a happy and productive year. Westview has an excellent staff providing quality instruction and guidance for your children. Our goal is to provide effective educational experiences which will meet the needs of every student attending Westview Elementary. We want your child to feel happy and be positive about experiences here at Westview. The school, however, cannot reach this goal alone. We need your assistance, cooperation, and support as we work together to educate your child.

    Please discuss your child’s day, provide a place for homework, and encourage your child to make his/her best effort. We encourage parents to participate in some type of reading with their children. From bedtime stories to magazines or news headlines, include your child in a daily reading activity to show that you value this critical basic skill.

    We invite your to arrange to visit your child’s classes to join them for lunch, or to attend one of our special programs. If you would like to be a volunteer helper, our teachers appreciate the extra help.

    We encourage you to call (354-4300) or visit school if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress or school operations. We look forward to meeting each of you.


    Cathy Comfort,

Westview Title I Documentation