Career & Technical Education (CTE)

CTE courses help connect a student’s passion to a career pathway, while providing technical and 21st century professional skills.

Why Choose CTE?

With rising tuition costs, many high school graduates are looking toward trade apprenticeship programs as a satisfying alternative career path. Watch this Apprenticeships vs. College video to learn more, and this CBS News story on the trades.

ACTE Flyer about how CTE improves student Achievement in HS, College and Career


Tim Fortune
Director, CTE
Email Tim Fortune

Suzanne Gretch
Coordinator, CTE
Email Suzanne Gretch

Sue Power
Office Manager, CTE
Email Sue Power

Amanda Riccelli
Email Amanda Riccelli

Terry Yeigh
Facilitator, CTE Worksite Learning
Email Terry Yeigh

CTE in Action

The Salk Middle School video production classes and club built a news studio inside the school! With cameras, lights, teleprompters, a green screen and an audio booth, these students are getting an experience they will never forget.

At Glover Middle School, students participate in Falcon Time three days a week for 22 minutes where students either get enrichment or intervention opportunities. Introduction to welding was added this school year.

Worksite Learning allows high school students the chance to earn credits for taking a CTE course and working their after-school job.

SPS 5th graders learned about potential future careers at the annual 5th Grade Career Fair.

CTE Snapshoots