This award-winning film series explores the struggles caused by social media, smartphones, video games and more.

Cell Phone Policy and Procedure
The Spokane Public Schools Board of Directors officially revised the district's cell phone policy at its Aug. 28 meeting. SPS now limits cell phone usage in our district, including these differences at each level:
All elementary and middle schools will be cell phone-free during school hours.
All high schools will be cell phone-free during classroom time. High school students may use their cell phones during meals and passing periods.
Other cell-based devices, such as smartwatches, air pods, etc., also will not be allowed during classroom time. Students with specific medical or other documented needs may have accommodations made.
Students will still keep their phone in their possession during the school day. SPS plans to provide pouches to middle school students to safely keep their phone in their binders or backpacks.
How We Got Here
In response to the growing social and emotional issues brought on by rampant social media and mobile phone use, Spokane Public Schools issued a survey to all parents, all secondary students, and community members in the spring of 2024 seeking input on potential changes to the district's cell phone policy and procedure. More than 700 survey responses helped guide the district to this new policy and procedure.
The "Why"
Cell phone use by adolescents is widely known to contribute to mental health issues, and they are a disruption to the learning environment. In June of 2024, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy called for warning labels on social media. He also published an advisory on social media and youth mental health.
The research is very clear on the effects social media and smartphones have on students:

The Benefits of Cell Phone-Free Schools
Several SPS middle schools went cell phone-free during the 2023-24 school year and saw immediate improvements in overall school culture. Students talked to each other more outside of the classroom, and there were fewer disruptions in the classroom. Schools also took strides to provide students alternative activities to phones during non-classroom time before and after school and during lunch.
Want to learn more? Check out these links:


Let Grow
This initiative posits that giving kids independence helps them grow into capable and happy adults.
Watch Superintendent Adam Swinyard talks cell phones on NewsNation:
"We’ve never faced an adversary like technology in getting the attention of kids, and so we need exciting alternatives to say, ‘instead of spending five, six, seven hours on your phone, how about maybe one or two hours?' Let’s teach families about the supervisory tools, let’s have common sense boundaries inside of our classrooms, and then let’s provide as many activities and athletics outside of the school day so that every kid, every day is doing something in real life, off their screen, out of their home, with each other. Research is clear – that’s what’s best for kids.”
Superintendent Dr. Adam Swinyard

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