Fitness & Health


Health classes focus on a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. Students incorporate health concepts into fitness activities and progress throughout grade levels while participating in individual activities and cooperative learning opportunities. Goal setting is woven throughout each movement and health unit. Students also learn to work safely, respect others, and practice responsibility.

Middle School

Middle School Fitness & Health courses focus on variety of physical and health-enhancing activities. Students continue to build and refine skills, as well as demonstrate knowledge of concepts, tactics, and strategies in both cooperative and individual fitness settings. Middle School Fitness also includes integration of decision-making skills, conflict-resolution, and respect for others. Students will develop physical literacy and focus on the ability to move with competence and confidence. All SPS Fitness courses focus on developmentally appropriate standards and a commitment to developing and discovering lifetime wellness and fitness components for all learners.

High School Fitness

High School Fitness courses focus on demonstrating and refining activity-specific movement, game strategies, and applying training principles and knowledge to self-selected activities. Students will investigate and evaluate the benefits of a physically active lifestyle as it relates to local environments, college or career productivity, and preferences throughout life. All SPS Fitness courses focus on developmentally appropriate standards and a commitment to developing and discovering lifetime wellness and fitness components for all learners.


  • Intro to Fitness

  • Lifetime Fitness

  • Advanced Conditioning

  • Foods and Fitness

High School Health

High School Health focuses on health-enhancing behaviors in core units including: wellness, safety, nutrition, human growth and development, social emotional health, and substance use and abuse. Students will incorporate a variety of strategies to plan for lifelong health and wellness, and also evaluate current research and sources to increase health literacy.

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For Staff