Human Growth & Development Citizens Advisory Committee

The HGD Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) reviews materials and curriculum updates. The SPS Curriculum & Instruction department facilitates curriculum development. Find the committee's bylaws here.

Cooperation among schools, parents and community organizations is important in providing students with the information they need to help them make good decisions and choose healthy lifestyles. This committee represents an ongoing partnership between SPS and the community in providing a balanced, high quality education for our students.


The committee meets four to six times each year, or as needed, to review potential HGD instructional materials for classroom use. 

Executive Committee Meeting Schedule for 2024-25

  • October 10, 2024, 12:00 – 1:00 PM, Zoom 

  • January 9, 2025, 12:00 – 1:00 PM, Zoom 

  • March 13, 2025, 12:00 – 1:00 PM, Zoom

  • May 8, 2025, 12:00 – 1:00 PM, Zoom 

HGD-CAC Meeting Schedule for 2024-25

  • October 24, 2024, 12-2 PM, SPS Boardrooms

  • January 23, 2025, 12-2 PM, The Hive

  • March 26, 2025, 12-2 PM, The Hive

  • May 22, 2025, 12-2 PM, SPS Boardrooms

Minutes: 2024-25 HGD Citizens Advisory Committee

  • October 24, 2024 Minutes

Minutes: 2023-24 HGD Citizens Advisory Committee

Curriculum Approval Process

  • Teachers, Counselors, Principals, HGD Coordinator, or Parents identify a curricular need for a specific grade level or course. The individual or group submits the suggested material to the Elementary Review Committee or Secondary Review Committee. The appropriate committee reviews the material and either recommends that it continue in the approval process (if it meets a need or replaces an older, outdated resource) or that it be eliminated from the process.

  • Materials recommended by the Elementary or Secondary Review Committee are reviewed and analyzed by the Human Growth and Development Citizens Advisory Committee (HGD CAC). The Committee determines the medical accuracy, age appropriateness, and overall quality of the suggested materials. Discussion of the materials is frank and open, followed by a vote to determine whether or not the material continues in the approval process.

  • Materials approved by the HGD CAC are made available to district staff for their feedback and advice. Materials deemed appropriate by district staff are then recommended to the Board of Directors for Spokane Public Schools.

  • At a formal School Board meeting, the Human Growth and Development Coordinator requests approval of the materials that have been recommended by the HGD CAC. Once the Board of Directors approves a specific material it is then made available to teachers for use with students.


The HGD CAC is made up of representatives from diverse agencies such as Life Services, Spokane Regional Health District, Planned Parenthood, Catholic Family Services Childbirth and Parenting Assistance, Lutheran Community Services, Spokane County Medical Society, Odyssey Youth Center, and Disability Action Center. In addition, the HGD CAC includes up to eight members-at-large who reside within the school district’s boundaries.

If interested in applying for an open position on the HGD-CAC? To obtain an application, please Email Curriculum and Instruction.

Executive Board

  • Luke Tolley, Chair

  • TBD, Chair Elect

  • TBD, Secretary

  • Casey Balzano, Immediate Past Chair

Members at Large

  • Kara Buller 

  • Molly Merkle

  • Casey Balzano

  • Luke Tolley

  • Dawn Powell

  • Kaylah Ophardt

  • Open - Member at Large

  • Open - Member at Large

  • Open - Alternate

  • Open - Alternate

Agency Representatives

  • Erin Lundt, Life Services of Spokane

  • Kirsten Duncan, Spokane Regional Health District

  • TBD, Catholic Charities (CAPA)

  • Abigail Dougherty, Lutheran Community Service

  • Emi Schwartz, Planned Parenthood 

  • Dawn Kopp, Spokane County Medical Society

  • Ian Sullivan, Odyssey Youth Movement

  • Aerius Franklin, Disability Action Center NE WA