School Board Meetings: How to attend and participate

Access and Location of Board Meetings

School Board meetings have both in-person and Zoom options to participate. Links and attendance information will be updated on this page the Friday before each scheduled meeting.

In-person board meetings take place at the district administrative building at 200 N. Bernard Street. The front doors will be open to the public at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the School Board meeting. Room attendance/capacity is ~ 65 guests. Please see the links and attendance information below to observe or participate. 

Meeting Schedule

Public Comment takes place during the Scheduled Regular Meeting. The public may observe the open portion of special meetings, but the School Board does not receive public comment. 

October 23, 2024 Special Meeting - 4:30 p.m. 

Virtual Attendance Zoom link

October 23, 2024 Regular Meeting - 6:00 p.m. 

Virtual Attendance Zoom link

Sign-up for Public Comment (Public Comment takes place during the Scheduled Regular Meeting)

Find active school board agendas here. Click on "Meetings" tab and select current agenda. NoteAgendas for upcoming board meetings are typically active the Friday evening prior to the scheduled meeting.

Public Participation Information

Special Meetings
The School Board does not receive public comment during Special Meetings, but the open portion of Special Meetings are available for public observation. If you'd like to share comments or questions with the School Board, please email the School Board.

Regular Meetings
If you are interested in publicly addressing the School Board during a Regular Meeting, please use the link above and attend either virtually or in person on the meeting date. 

Citizens wishing to speak will wait for their name to be called and will be unmuted by the Zoom Moderator or called to the podium if attending in person. Citizens will state their name before beginning comments to the Board.

Each person’s comments shall be limited to three minutes or less, as deemed appropriate by the President of the Board. The Board’s role will be to receive comments, and they will only respond in two circumstances:

  1. To clarify a speaker’s point that may have been unclear; and

  2. To correct an apparent mistake of fact or policy once all the presenters are finished. No formal action will be taken on comments during this time. 

*If you require an auxiliary aid or service, please call (509) 354-7364. Try to make your request at least 48 hours before the event. We will do our best to accommodate requests needed in less than 48 hours.

Please email Tara Luedke with questions.