Title I, Part A

Title I, Part A is the largest kindergarten to grade 12 federal program designed “to provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.” Our Schoolwide Programs focus on addressing the needs of students impacted by poverty and those at risk of not meeting state academic achievement standards. Title I funding is used for supplemental activities and instruction for all students providing them access to an enriched curriculum and educational experience.

Every school that accepts Title I funds must have a School Improvement Plan in place.

SPS Title I Schools

  • Elementary: Adams, Arlington, Audubon, Bemiss, Browne, Cooper, Finch, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Holmes, Lidgerwood, Lincoln Heights, Linwood, Logan, Longfellow, Madison, Regal, Ridgeview,  Roosevelt, Scott, Stevens, Westview, Whitman, Willard. 

  • Middle: Chase, Flett, Glover, Salk, Shaw, Spokane Garry, Yasuhara

  • High: Rogers

  • Special Sites: On Track Academy, Pratt Academy

Program Components

Basic Skills Support: Students are given assistance in reading, writing and/or mathematics within the classroom setting. Programs are individualized for specific student needs and focus on developmentally appropriate practices. Individual schools determine the grade levels and subject areas to be served. This support can be provided by:

  • Coaches: These certificated specialists provide school-based professional development for classroom teachers. They model classroom “best practice” instruction in whole class, small group and one-to-one settings, monitor student progress, conduct data informed discussion, and facilitate intervention teams.

  • Intervention Teachers: Certificated Intervention Teachers provide layered small group instruction. Literacy interventions and math interventions are delivered and frequently monitored based upon identified student needs and recommendations of the building intervention team.

  • School Academic Support Specialists: Students may also receive support and guided practice of academic skills in individual and small group contexts from trained School Academic Support Specialists. These highly qualified classified staff function as support to basic education and supplemental instruction within the school setting. They are provided with on-going, regular training in effective practices for at-risk students, work under the direct supervision of a certificated teacher, and function as a partner between school/ community resources.

  • Professional Development: Title I programs support monthly professional development for Instructional Coaches who in turn, provide site-based training to building staff to increase the effectiveness of every teacher to meet the needs of students at risk of failing to meet academic standards. Schools may also use their funds to support professional development activities including attending regional and national conferences and/or hiring consultants to work with school staff.

Parent and Family Engagement

Parents/ Families can ensure their children meet higher academic standards at school by partnering with school staff and engaging in their students’ learning. The ways parents connect home life with education at school lets children know learning is important. Parents can become involved in several ways:

  • Support your child's learning at home.

  • Get involved!  Serve as a classroom/ school volunteer.

  • Visit your child’s classroom and the Title I staff

  • Attend school open house meetings, conferences, special parent involvement activities, and workshops.

  • Share ideas for Title I program improvement and ask questions about the instructional program and student progress.

SPS is committed to parent and family engagement, which means including families in activities and programs that promote children’s development, learning and wellness, including in the planning, development, and evaluation of activities, programs, and systems at every school where Title I Part A funds support teaching and engaged learning.


Special Programs

Title I Info