
  • Poster Contest Judging

    4/15/2024 - Thank you for your support of our neighborhood poster contest. Out of the 180 entries, 50 are from SPM! You are invited to attend the poster judging and enjoy free refreshments. Click to learn more.

  • Gear Swap has been renamed!

    3/5/2024 - Gear Swap has been renamed! This will no longer be a once a year event, but a rolling opportunity for you to donate and pick up gently used gear throughout the weeks before Camp Out! The CoMP Room will have Gear Closet available to families at multiple time slots. Check the calendar and newsletter for upcoming time slots and come score some great gear!

  • Meet Maisel

    8/22/2023 - Maisel is our school therapy dog. She will be in on Fridays.

  • Freedom and Responsibility

    11/15/2019 - Freedom is one of the defining characteristics of a Montessori environment. Responsibility is choosing to do what you know is right.

  • Transportation Hotline

    9/21/2022 - Transportation questions?
    Call the district hotline
    at 509-354-5970.