ASB & WEB Applications

ASB Logo

ASB (Student Government) Elections will be held June 1st.

If current 7th graders are interested in running for ASB office for next school year (2020-21), the application is linked below and due back by May 8th. NO CAMPAIGNING CAN BEGIN UNTIL YOU ARE APPROVED TO RUN! Please read the application, and additional resources attached to this email, very carefully to make sure you meet the requirements. If you have questions, please email Ms. McMurray.  Here is the link:


WEB Logo

Interested in serving by welcoming new students?

Students interested in applying to be part of WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) next year must complete the following form.  You may only apply for ASB office or WEB, but NOT BOTH. If you have questions, please email Ms. Morris and Ms. Brown.  Here is the link: