Registration Info for Incoming 7th Graders

Welcome Chase Middle School Incoming 7th Grade Students!


The staff at Chase Middle School is excited to begin preparation with you for the upcoming 2021-22 school year. We know this past year has been full of challenges. We look forward to helping you transition to middle school. While there still are a lot of unknowns about what next year will bring, we do know that we will make it the best we can!


Chase staff will be joining 6th grade classes next week to get students registered for 7th grade.   Due to COVID restrictions we will not be able to have our traditional 6th grade parent night, but we know you still have questions as you help your student register.  Please see the links below and do not hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions.



Click on this link to watch a Welcome to Chase video.


Click on this link to watch a video describing each core and elective class.


Click on this link to preview the registration form students will complete during our visit next week.


We have also attached a FAQ sheet and a description of electives. If you have additional questions, please call 354-5000 or email



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