COVID-19 Resources

  • From the NJHS website

    "We are mindful that the world and the everyday look different for all of us as we deal with the COVID-19 impact. What matters most is the health and safety of everyone in your school and community. We all see people stepping up in this crisis to show that leadership goes beyond walls and school buildings. It’s in our love for our communities that leadership becomes realized. We need to show the world our students in this light—not as young people awaiting news and the next announcement in this crisis, but as strong leaders who jump in and help where needed. Thank you, to both you and your students, for your continued leadership in these unprecedented times." 

    Due to the ever changing nature of our current learning environment, modifications have been made for the 2020 - 2021 membership year.

    The 8 service hours per semester requirement has been reduced to 8 hours for the school year, or two hours per semester. Ideas on how to achieve those hours (provided by the NASSP Student Leadership Webchat from May 2020) could look like: 

    Middle Level

    • How to build a Neighborhood Pod
    • Encourage teens/student leaders to take care of their mental health UNICEF USA resource
    • Coordinate a community garden project, great for urban and suburban areas. If your chapter/council does this as project, coordinate safe social-distancing measures to work on the garden at different times
    • Teacher Appreciation Week
    • Organize a book drive to distribute books (safely) on doorsteps of students/families that need reading resources (even e-books are hard to come by right now!)
    • Spread awareness about positive ways to fight COVID-19