
  • TCS Agency-A School Film

    9/20/2023 - a·gen·cy
    action or intervention, especially such as to produce a particular effect.
    In the context of learning: The secret sauce.

  • STA Bus Information

    9/2/2022 - This page outlines the various groups eligible for STA access, includes a how-to video, and features FAQs that parents and students might have.

    Families and students can also submit questions to the district's Let's Talk portal.

  • Project Based Learning EXPLAINED

    4/28/2021 - The Community School in Spokane is Project Based. But what's that mean? Here, we attempt to answer that question by running you through a recent project.

  • FAQ

    12/1/2021 - You've got questions, we've got answers...

  • Why I Chose TCS

    4/17/2019 - Students share why they chose The Community School and explain what sets it apart from the traditional high school.

  • "Invictus" Video Project

    6/3/2019 - The final product of “Invictus,” a project from TCS that explores answers to the question, “How should we deal with adverse fate?”

  • Net Zero Project Video

    5/11/2020 - The Community School partnered with Avista for a project called Net Zero. Avista sent along a camera person with us for a portion of the experience. Please watch the attached video that they created.