Our School

  • Arlington Elementary has a diverse population of 621 students located in the northeast area of Spokane, Washington. Of this population, 67 percent receive free and reduced lunch. Our average mobility rate for the past three years is 33 percent. Families with English as a second language come from Vietnam, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Russia, Latin America, Cambodia, China and Ukraine. We have one of the largest Native American populations in Spokane Public Schools, ranking sixth out of 35 elementary schools in our district.

arlington students
  • The heart of our program is provided through a variety of key elements. Analysis of Arlington data has enabled leadership to articulate a common focus, shared vision and pathway for staff and community. Title and LAP Facilitators make staff development opportunities available to all staff. Literacy teams support balanced literacy practices such as guided reading, shared reading and independent reading. We value a child-centered environment with strong emphasis on mutual respect and cultural diversity. This philosophy is supported by programs such as; Love and Logic, Simple Solutions, and extra-curricular programs that promote the arts, academic enrichment and athletics. A child’s success is highly dependent upon the collaborative relationship that exists among the teacher, parents and our school community. The HUB program, an active PTO, Sister Schools, and Junior Achievement are reflections of this partnership. Through a strong collaboration model, our special programs are interfacing well with our regular education programs. Title I, Learning Assistance Program, English as a Second Language, classroom and state funded ‘class reduction’ teachers all work together toward a shared vision.

    Students at Arlington are fortunate to have well trained professionals dedicated to meeting the needs of all students. The staff participates throughout the year in professional development designed to provide best practices. The ultimate result of these opportunities is the significant academic progress of our students. Assessment data from the past three years shows Arlington students have made consistent achievement gains. Title I and LAP dollars have decreased in our school resulting in reduction of staff in these programs. Despite the reduction in special program personnel, our coordinated staff efforts continue to be effective and supportive of the needs of all learners. Making the best use of what we have is imperative for Arlington. Our data reflects this effective use of resources.