Flett Flash 8/21/22

Riverhawk Families,

We are about two and a half weeks from officially opening Pauline Flett Middle School! The facility is on schedule to open on time. This week, our staff will begin moving in and preparing for classes. Meanwhile this summer, we’ve been busy planning and preparing for your students as well as building community. While planning is important, staff are ready and beyond excited to meet and get to know your students.

Over the coming weeks, you will continue to receive email communication from both Spokane Public Schools and Flett. If you want to update or add additional contacts, email addresses, or phone numbers, please contact our office at 509-824-8000 or email ThereseS@spokaneschools.org. Our office tentatively opens to families in-person beginning 8/25. We will send an update this week to confirm office hours.

We want you to know that we have been thoughtful about your student’s transition to Flett and to middle school. We have lessons and activities planned throughout the first month specifically designed to support this transition and to build our shared culture and community. As most of you know, we have multiple systems in place to help students feel deeply known and supported at Flett (e.g. our House System, Neighborhood structure, etc.). We will share more in the upcoming weeks about how best to communicate and partner with Flett staff in support of your child.

Finally, there are a few items I want you to be aware of if you’ve not seen them on our website or via district communication already:

Flett Sneak Peek – Family Orientation 8/31 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Families can get their student’s schedule, meet the principals and counseling team, tour the school, and get questions answered. A dedicated email will be sent out this week with more information.

Launch Conferences – Individually scheduled with advisory teachers on 9/1 or 9/2. Click here to register for a time slot. We will also have information regarding PowerSchool (accessing grades and schedule), laptop check-out, transportation, meals, and more.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony – First day of school on 9/6 at 8:45 a.m. While parents are welcome, this will be a quick ceremony marking the official opening of Flett to the public. On 10/8 we will have a longer dedication ceremony and open house from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. More information to follow.

Sports: Fall sports start 9/6. All students must have a current physical (within the last two years) before they can participate. Look for information next week with additional details. Fall dates are now on our school calendar. Questions? Contact our Athletic Coordinator Mrs. Goodey at SarahGo@spokaneschools.org.

School Spirit Gear: You can customize most items with the color, logo, and logo placement of your choice. Once you click on an item, you can click on View More Designs to select a logo option. Here is an example using three different logos. Example 1Example 2Example 3.

Social media: Stay up to date and see what is happening at Flett: Facebook & Instagram

Website: Find information about Pauline Flett, sports, the bell schedule, and supply lists. We are currently waiting to finalize the bell schedule following the recent contract changes. We hope to have that posted this week under the Students section.

In partnership,
Dr. Matthew Henshaw
Principal | Flett Middle School
Spokane Public Schools | 509.824.8000