English 9 Assignments

  • Week of September 30 - October 5

    Monday, September 30: "Aunty Misery" (short story) mini-project DUE Friday, October 5

    Description: “Aunty Misery” is an example of a folk tale.  For this project, you will write your own one-page folk tale based around a wish you want granted.  Your folk tale must include the following elements:

    1. Your folk tale should have a beginning, middle, and end to it (follow plot structure).
    2. Your folk tale should be at least one page in length. (similar to “Aunt Misery”)
    3. Your folk tale must be written based around a wish you want to have granted.  Think of your wish and write the story around it.
    4. Your folk tale should be creative and grammatically correct.

    Tuesday, October 1: Read "What's Your Poison: Murder Mystery" play and annotating the text

    Wednesday, October 2: Finish play

    Thursday, October 3 & Friday, October 4: How to Survive a Zombie Attack (English vocabulary escape room)


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