2022-2023 Student Parent Compact

  • Stevens Elementary School is committed to empowering each child to achieve his/her potential.  In partnership with students, parents, and community, we foster high expectations, promote positive attitudes, respect individual differences, and the desire for lifelong learning.  Through a safe and nurturing environment, each student shall become a contributing member of society. 


    As a Stevens Eagle I will:  

    • Choose to be great each and every day! 
    • attend school regularly and arrive on time 
    • practice all school wide, classroom, and bus rules 
    • show respect for myself and others 
    • come to school prepared with my homework and supplies 
    • choose to learn and do my best in school 
    • do my best to participate in classroom activities and try to participate in extra-curricular activities 
    • ask questions and share my own ideas 
    • bring notes home from school to share with my parents 
    • take pride in Stevens Elementary and the community                                             

    As a Stevens staff member I will:  

    • Love and care for every Stevens student  
    • believe that each child can learn 
    • have high expectations for all students 
    • Support each child in all aspects of schooling including academics, social emotional learning and behavior  
    • Respect, value and celebrate the cultural and personal uniqueness of each child and her/his family 
    • Actively communicate with families around their students progress 
    • Actively teach and encourage students to promote a positive learning environment for all students 
    • Establish classroom practices that are equitable and promote a positive school and classroom climate 
    • take pride in Stevens Elementary and the community 


    As a Stevens Parent/Guardian I will:  

    • see that my child attends school regularly and arrives on time 
    • establish and maintain a positive relationship with my child’s teacher and the school  
    • provide an environment that supports lifelong learning 
    • support my child with homework 
    • talk and read with my child and encourage effort 
    • communicate regularly with my child’s teacher and school staff 
    • talk with my child about her/his school activities every day 
    • support the school’s building wide expectations by promoting and teaching positive behaviors 
    • take pride in Stevens Elementary, the community, students and staff  

    As members of the Stevens educational community, together we are partners in your child’s education as we uphold the intent of this compact. 


    As administrators, Principal Adrian Espindola, and Principal Assistants Kristin Day represent all Stevens Elementary staff in affirming this compact. 

Student Parent Teacher Compact Image