Wax Museum: Real-Life Heroes 10/31

In the spirit of celebrating inspiring individuals, some students have chosen Heroes of a different ethnicity. We understand that parents might have concerns about cultural sensitivity and appropriateness when it comes to dressing up as someone from a different ethnicity.


We want to assure you that Spokane Public Montessori encourages respectful and thoughtful representations of historical figures. If your child is considering dressing up as someone from a different ethnicity, we recommend the following guidelines to ensure a respectful portrayal:


  • Focus on Achievements: Emphasize the achievements, talents, and contributions of the chosen figure. The focus should be on their accomplishments rather than stereotypes associated with their ethnicity.


  • Avoid Stereotypes: Costumes should avoid relying on stereotypes or caricatures and should represent the individual's unique qualities with respect and dignity. Please remember that any kind of skin darkening/hair alteration would be inappropriate.


  • Educational Approach: Encourage your child to learn about the person they are portraying and share this knowledge with their peers. Understanding the context of their achievements can promote empathy and awareness.


  • Promote Dialogue: Encourage your child to discuss their choice with classmates, explaining why this person is inspiring to them. This can foster understanding and open dialogue among students.


  • Respectful Presentation: During the wax museum event, ensure that the portrayal is respectful and dignified, focusing on the figure's legacy and contributions.