Cell Phones and Garfield Elementary School

Cell Phones and Garfield Elementary School

  • Possession and use of personal telecommunications devices (PTDs), including mobile telephones, pagers, CD and MP3 players, iPods, Smart Watches, etc., by Garfield Elementary School students are not permitted on school property during class times. Cell phones must be turned off from the first bell in the morning until after the dismissal bell in the afternoon.
  • PTDs are to be placed in student backpacks from the start of the school day until after the end of the day and during after school activities.
  • The use of PTDs capable of capturing images is strictly prohibited while at school or at school-related or school-sponsored events.
  • Garfield Elementary School and Spokane Public Schools are not responsible for any damaged, lost, or stolen electronic device.

PTD Policy Violations Consequences

1st Offense

  • Teacher will confiscate devise for the remainder of the day and student may pick it up at the end of the school day.

2nd Offense

  • Device will be confiscated and held in principal’s office until the end of the day when the student can pick it up at that time.
  • Parent/guardian will be notified.

3rd Offense

  • Device will be confiscated and held in principal’s office until the end of the day and a parent/guardian will be asked to pick it up.
  • Parent/guardian will be notified.