When to Keep a Sick Child Home

Please click on the following link, if you're wondering if you student is too sick for school.

When to Keep a Student Home From School

Also, please do not send your student to school sick to have the nurse determine if they need to go home. If you need a health care provider to assess your students illness and/or excuse your student from school please contact your family Doctor.

Medications-Students can self-carry a daily dose of over the counter medication (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Midol, etc.) please make sure the medication is clearly labeled with the medication name, dosage and when to take it. The nurse can not give out any medication unless your student had a doctor order on file with SPS.

Just a reminder… students who have asthma or a life threatening allergy need to have a care plan and lifesaving medications at school.  Students who self-carry their inhalers and EpiPen’s must have them with them at school. Please make sure they are not expired or empty. Thank you for helping your students to remember their medications.

Please call 354-6251 if you have any questions.

Lori Sparks, RN
NC Nurse