Grading Q&A

Teachers will be completing report cards that will be emailed home on June 19th.  If you have an updated email address, please let your child’s teacher know so we can make changes in the system.

How is grading going to be assessed.

Teachers will assign grades based on where students are toward that standard.  Accurately measuring this during this time is more difficult than when students are in classrooms.  However, our teachers are skillful at measuring what students know.  In addition, there is an option to mark a grade “COVID-19” to indicate the lack of progress or the lack of accurate measurement was due to the closure.

How will they plan on passing kids to the next grade?

We recognize that student’s academic growth has been impacted by this closure.  Teachers will not be expecting students to enter next school year with the skills an knowledge that would typically be expected. We will be preparing for the fall very intentionally to address the social emotional needs of our students and the gaps they may have because of this time. Students will not be held back because of the closure.

How do parents maintain the message that continued learning is important even though this time does not impact their student’s grades?

This is a big question.  I have two children at home and I repeatedly tell people how difficult it is to teach my own children under these stressful circumstances.  My children need the predictable routine of a “school day” that we have created.  This helps them have better attitudes, manage stress, and be more independent because they know what to expect.  However, I have had to take moments and back off when the schoolwork is creating a power struggle and I start to ‘flip my lid’.  The balance of wanting my children to keep learning while recognizing the stress that we have all been under during this time is something I am constantly trying to manage. 

I share that to say that grading this term will honor the hard work students have been doing, but we are doing our best for grades to not harm those who have not been as engaged as they would be in a classroom daily.  If you need ideas for motivating your child, please contact their teacher or always feel free to call me (354-2309).

Rachel Sherwood
Principal, Bemiss Elementary