Resources for Families

Encourage Communication 

Have your children stay engaged with learning by frequently connecting with their teachers. Teachers are available via a variety of platforms (e.g., phone, email, Office 365 Teams, Summit) to connect with students and parents, answer questions, share materials, clarify directions, and assist with access to digital resources. Communication is also important for a sense of social and emotional well-being. Encourage your child to use breaks during the “school day” to catch up with friends using FaceTime or texting to provide more personal social engagement with peers.

For more information, follow the link provided here:  Link to communication information from Spokane Public Schools.


Keep a Routine

Research shows that children are more likely to thrive with predictable, consistent routines at home that provide, among other things, a sense of security, and help their social and emotional well-being. Keep your children’s morning and bedtime routines the same as if they were preparing for school. Make sure they are up, dressed, and ready by 9:00 a.m., the typical start to the middle-school day. Have lunch at the same time as it would be at school.

For more information, follow the link here: Link to New York Times article for keeping a routine.


Make Time for Learning

Sticking with a routine similar to the one for typical school days will help make any return to school smoother, as well as give shape to each day. Create a daily schedule that is structured for your children. Promote collaboration and control for them by creating a list of activities and allowing your children to pick when they happen. They can pick during which blocks of time they do math, science, reading, PE, art, etc. But remember to keep expectations in check. Allow plenty of breaks and time for transitions.

For more information, follow the link here: Link to article for helping parents cope